Sunday, February 26, 2012

The beauty of Creation

Dan Swank
Pd. E

The usage of copyright in the world

As we all know, the worlds entertainment is constantly being changed. Whether it be the music industry, technology, or books, all ideas are inspired from something in the past. I feel like I can relate and understand this topic perfectly because as a musician, I am constantly writing songs to play with my band. Sometimes, when I'm listening to a song from another band, and idea pops in my head and a song is built upon that random idea. I wouldn't be able to write songs without hearing other artists. Even with my band, the music we play is inspired to sound like bands such as All time low, blink 182, and A day to remember. They are the people who inspire us to make music in the first place, so therefore we can thank them for even picking up an instrument. And these bands who we look up to, looked up to bands when they were young as well. I like to think of it as a constant, never ending cycle of ideas and inspiration. In my opinion, file sharing should not be illegal, because I think getting ideas out to people is so important. It's important for society to grow and constantly progress in a forward direction. If idea's stopped, creations would stop; it's as simple as that. I know that most musicians (at least the ones I listen to) make music because they love to do it, not to make millions and be holly wood stars. And if fame and fortune happened to come as a result of making music, then that's great. But I think most musicians would want their music to be shared and heard by all people no matter what, even if they didn't make “millions” off of it. Music, literature, and all ideas are so pure, so why charge money and stop the sharing of them? I am inspired by things I hear, and my own work comes the things I hear. In no way should we ever take someones work and copy it completely, but I think it is important that we hear other ideas to help create our own. Like I said, it's just a cycle of ideas, innovation, and creativity. We should take ideas that we hear or see, and build on them; put our own spin on them, and try to take these ideas and make them into something even better. So, in my opinion, sharing should not be illegal.

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