These are very two controversial bills that are pending approval currently in the government. Internet forum sights, and sharing sights like blew up because of these bills even being considered. The Protect IP Act is the one that will effect most people in there every day lives. The reason is because if this bill gets passed then this gives the government the right to use DNS blocking techniques to literally delete complete websites from US internet. Kind of like what happened in china. The Stop Online Piracy Act applies to people more like me. I download movies, music, and games from the internet since I am a kid and I literally can not afford all of these things.
The reason there is such an roar of complaints from people is because this could infringe the first amendment of free speech. This is because by blocking the pirating websites they are also saying that they will fine you, or give you jail time if you video tape yourself singing a famous song and put it on facebook without permission. Also if they start to block potential pirating websites they will probably block websites that don't mean to pirate and therefore be shutting down perfectly fine websites
I personally think that this is completely outrageous. I will be honest I have pirated many video games but for a good reason. For computer games there is no way to demo or test the game without buying it. You can't even rent it, so I pirate, play it, and if I like it I go and buy it. If I don't like a game then I just delete it. Also this is completely against the 1st amendment, and very unconstitutional. I know I never wanted to sound like one the crazy lunatics who think the government is taking over, but if they continue at this rate they will.
Kirk, William. "Protect IP Act Breaks the Internet; Senator Wyden Threatens
Filibuster as Vote Nears." global communications news network. N.p., 26
Nov. 2011. Web. 2 Dec. 2011.
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