Danny Wukich
January 9, 2011
Life Skills E
Copyright Laws
353 words
Should Online File Sharing be Strongly Prosecuted?
I believe that file sharing should not be taken as seriously as it is in today's world. Yeah, if we illegally download content the original creator does not get the money that he would if a copy were purchased, but who cares? It is the same thing with medicines. I feel like online content should become free after a while. After a certain amount of time on the internet, stuff that previously required you to pay for it, should then become free. Like I said, if medicine is allowed to be knocked off in a cheaper brand after a certain amount of time on the market, then so should movies, music, books, etc. I feel like the government is more worried about the piracy act than it is about other major issues in today's world. People blow this kind of stuff way to much out of proportion, especially the artists and authors that believe they are getting ripped off. The artists are already being paid millions of dollars for literally doing nothing. Half of them can not even sing without the help of ridiculous amounts of auto tuning. I am pretty that a few people “illegally” downloading their latest songs is not really going to hit them as bad as they are making us believe it will. However, for authors, I can understand where they are coming from. Although they too get ripped off, I still strongly believe that after a certain amount of time that their book is on the market, it should then become free to the public.
All in all, I believe that piracy is a law that is taken way more seriously than it needs to be. It may not be right, but there are definitely more rational ways to deal with things like this, not by throwing people in jail and fining them. The government should definitely look into revising the piracy law, and if they do, I believe the online world could be a much better place.
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