Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Marijuana Legalization?

Dan Swank
Pd. E


With the constant evolving of society in our country, we as citizens should come to expect drastic changes. For example, we have seen the first African American president take office, and a cell phone that literally has no limits in the Iphone. Years ago, very few could even rationalize the thought of either of things two things happening; but obviously they were wrong. Another revolutionary change that is on the brisk of happening is the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana had been claimed totally illegal for years, but slowly steps are being taken towards total legalization of the drug. 16 states in the United States have legalized the drug for medicinal purposes, and Washington is on the verge of becoming the first state in history to fully legalize marijuana. In this upcoming November election, it could become a reality. My opinion on marijuana is simple. I believe people smoke pot to relieve stress going on in their personal lives, which can be understandable to some people, but not me. There are many, many ways one can work off stress in a positive, active way. My favorite stress relievers are playing guitar, and shooting basketball. I love these two things, and frankly I don't need to get “high” to work out my problems or have a good time. Neither do other people. Sitting on a couch, smoking marijuana is not an active stress reliever. People need to get up, get out, and do something. I have friends who are active pot smokers, and over a year I have noticed drastic changes in their personalities. They aren't as funny, out going, or motivated as I remember. If pot is legalized in the U.S., we will see many people change. I don't want to see people who inspire me, such as athletes and musicians, suddenly become mellow and lackadaisical about things. The world needs motivation and in my opinion marijuana is the ultimate motivation killer. America, stay straight edge.
Cohen, Adam. Legal Recreational Marijuana: Not so far out. Time.com February 6, 2012. CNN. TIME. February 6, 2012. < http://ideas.time.com/2012/02/06/legal-recreational-marijuana-not-so-far-out/ >


  1. This was a very good article and you have a great point. I also have noticed the same change in a few of my friends

  2. This is a great article, reducing stress there are a lot of ways, marijuana legalization body will make more people dependent on it, and finally lead to illness, etc.

  3. This great article really talk about your thinking about the marijuana. to find a right way to relax yourself is really important.

  4. Dan, this article was very well written and I would agree with you that weed makes people incredibly lazy but it is less dangerous then alcohol and that was made illegal for a small period and then it was eventually legalized again.


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