Tuesday, February 7, 2012

weekly editorials

In recent weeks, I am interested in the situation in the Middle East. Probable you will tell me it is not about ethics or information technology, it is politics. But in my opinion, politics is made by people, so it full of ethics. Actually I used to read Chinese article, and I used to read some articles for one event to make sure my opinion do not distortion by someone's own opinion. Today, I was read like before but one thing is different, I start to read English article, and I found is article.

The title of this article is “World Must Aid Syria's Rebels”. Sometimes China is a kind of neutral for Middle East word, so Chinese reporter's articles probable more powerful than American reporter's. Syria event from the surface is provoked by the EU, and know maybe you will be confused what is happened with the USA. I will explain that. You know America is the most powerful country after the World War II and dollar is the international money. The international money not only mean it can measure the price of gold and silver, but also measure the oil's price. But know American government is in debt a huge number of money, and they can not pay for that huge debt, but they have to use some immoral ways to decrease the pressure form the problem of unemployment( maybe you don not think the reason of unemployment is that), so they use the same way that toppled Japan's economy to attack Chinese economy. But the true doesn't like they wish, and after three times quantitative easing for relieved the social pressure, the credit of dollar at international bazaar was lower. In the same time, the euro started to plan instead of dollars to became the international money. Both of them took a fancy of a same prey---oil. Where have the most oil? Of course is Middle East.

How to make a country burst? The easiest way is make them to split into two factions. You just need to create a rebels, and order them to overthrow the existing government. And then you just need to give your rebels advanced weapons, even don't need the reason of rebel, you will get the oil from you rebels government friends, and them control the oil, keep the international money.

When you see that, do you still feel it is moral? Do you feel you were deceived by the country most important the human rights. I think the unethical thing is cheat the most confidence you people.

If we don't have the same opinion about this articles, I think you may not be angry with my clumsy opinion as a rational and learned teacher.

Shadi, Hamid. "World Must Aid Syria's Rebels – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs." Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs. 6 Feb. 2012. Web. 06 Feb. 2012. <http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/06/world-must-aid-syrias-rebels/?iref=allsearch>.

1 comment:

  1. Syria is just the beginning, The Middle East, the huge oil gold mine, is going to be engulfed by war fire between powers country.In the final analysis, this is the interests of the human desire, but thus this to destroyed our world, where is the interests? What can you get from the ruins?


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